What's New: More LTI 1.3 and LMS Updates

Panopto version 13.22 (released June 15, 2023) included several updates for popular Learning Management System (LMS) products. Read on for more information.
LTI 1.3 compatible integrations
for Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle customers
Panopto version 13.22 includes an optional upgrade to the way Panopto integrates with major Learning Management Systems. Following a successful customer testing window, Panopto has released for general availability updated integrations for Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle that support the latest version of the Learning Tools Interoperability standard, commonly referred to as LTI® 1.3.
LTI 1.3 uses the IMS Security Framework, providing upgraded content and student privacy and security for sensitive and personally identifiable information (PII) passing between platforms and tools. LTI 1.3 also supports additional services, referred to collectively as LTI Advantage, laying a foundation for Panopto to add new functionality in the future.
When deployed, the upgrade should be transparent for instructors and end users, as the user interface with LTI 1.3 doesn’t change.
If you are using Blackboard Ultra, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, or Moodle, Panopto admins can now upgrade your Panopto integrations for those systems to make use of the latest LTI 1.3 updates. Read more about this topic and how to upgrade at Learn About Panopto Support for LTI 1.3.
For customers that use Blackboard Original, please see the next section.
Blackboard Learn Original Experience integration update
Supporting customers through building block deprecation
Panopto version 13.22 includes a required update for some customers that use the Blackboard learning management system integration with Panopto. This only affects customers that use the Blackboard Original course view. Customers that only use the Ultra view and integration are not affected.
Blackboard announced that they will no longer support Blackboard building blocks starting January 1st, 2024. For customers who have been using the Panopto integration with Blackboard Original, which is based on Blackboard building blocks, your Panopto integration must be updated to allow for service continuity. The update replaces building blocks technology with LTI® (Learning Technologies Interoperability®) and REST APIs.
On June 15, 2023, Panopto released an updated Blackboard integration. As noted above, this integration is based on LTI and REST APIs. The updated integration supports both the Original and Ultra course views. Additionally, customers will be able to add LTI folder links to any existing, previously provisioned courses from previous years.
To ensure service continuity, customers are required to create a Panopto support case to complete the integration upgrade. For further information, please review Learn About the Blackboard Building Block Integration Deprecation.
Folder Hierarchy Mirroring / LMS structure mirroring
Aligning Panopto with the folder structure of your LMS
Panopto version 13.22 includes an update to LMS structure mirroring for Canvas, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle customers. The updated feature set allows Panopto admins to better manage their folder hierarchy, by alerting them when the structure cannot be copied accurately and placing unmapped folders in a newly designated area rather than at the system root.
Customer feedback indicated that when mirroring could not be applied within Panopto, it was difficult to know this was the case. The updated process allows admins better knowledge of any issues, and provides a clear folder structure for any content areas that cannot be accurately mapped between the systems.
When hierarchy mirroring issues are detected, Panopto will add two additional, admin-only root folders for “Unmapped” and “Unmoveable” folders. “Umapped” will be used where the correct location cannot be found, and “Unmoveable” will be used where the structure item is outside the support scope of the feature or the area is unpublished.
Panopto will now also apply retry logic, automatically attempting to relocate any unmapped folders at a later date.
A notification email will be sent to admins to inform them when any folders could not be successfully mapped. Panopto will also generate more detailed logging, to provide Panopto’s support and engineering teams more detail when investigating any issues.
To learn more, please see our article Learn About Folder Hierarchy Mirroring in Panopto when Using Canvas, D2L Brightspace or Moodle.
If you need any assistance with these changes, please contact your Panopto support team. To ask clarifying questions about this update or to give us feedback, please leave comments below.