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Change username
in General Q&A
Hi, I've updated my Panopto site-admin name and email, but the username is still showing the old email. How do I update the username?
Hi @John Provasnik,
It depends on whether this is a username that was set up via an Identity Provider, such as via an LMS, or if it was set up within Panopto.
If it was set up within Panopto, you can create a new user profile for yourself and then merge your old account into the new one. You can do this by first following the steps in How to Create a New User in order to create a new user profile/username for yourself, and then merge and delete your old account into the new one by following the steps in How to Merge and Delete User Accounts, with your new account serving as the "Target User."
If your Panopto account was set up via an Identity Provider, I will need to connect you with Panopto Support to coordinate this change. If this is the case, please let me know and I'll be happy to create a Support ticket on your behalf.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
It was manually set up (as the site admin)-- so I did the steps to create a new account, and then merge with the existing account (the one I was logged in as). Once I logged out, I was unable to log back into the newly made account, even after doing a forgot password -- I'm using the same credentials shown in the forgot password email, but it keeps saying invalid. Do you know if it takes a certain amount of time to take affect?
Hi @John Provasnik,
I'm going to open a Support ticket on your behalf for this, as what you've described doesn't sound like the normal outcome for this process. Someone from our Support team will be in contact with you shortly to assist you.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,