API for child folders and subfolders of child folders? (2020-01-09)

Original Post: Alexandra Neubert, Moderator, January 9, 2020 at 11:53 AM
Is it possible to recursively fetch a list of all folders under a given folder? I see in your API documentation that there is a way to fetch immediate children, but I need to generate a list of all descendants.
Joe Malmsten, Moderator, January 16, 2020 at 2:29 PM
There is currently no way to generate a full hierarchy with a single Panopto API call. If you are using the REST API folders will only contain immediate children information. If you are using the SOAP API that will also only get immediate children.
The SOAP API can get 2 levels of children if you use GetFoldersList and use a folder Id as a 'ParentFolderId'. The call will retrieve only folders inside the 'ParentFolderId' folder, and those folders will contain direct child information.
For more information on our public API please see the links below:
(Learn about the Panopto API)
(Panopto REST API Folder endpoints)
(Panopto SOAP API SessionManagement class)
(Panopto SOAP API GetFoldersList)
(GetFoldersList request options)
Joe Malmsten, Moderator, January 16, 2020 at 2:31 PM
Apologies for the multiple replies, there are some problems adding links to this post.
Joe Malmsten, Moderator, January 16, 2020 at 2:33 PM
Here are the missing links from the original reply.
(Learn about the Panopto API)
(Panopto REST API Folder endpoints)
(Panopto SOAP API SessionManagement class)
(Panopto SOAP API GetFoldersList)
(GetFoldersList request options)