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REST API feature request - session conflicts when scheduling (2020-02-06)

Original Post: Mark Fletcher, February 6, 2020 at 7:21 AM
Hi there,
When we want to create a session we make a POST request to the “/api/v1/scheduledRecordings” endpoint.
We set resolveConflicts to false, so the request is to:
The response from Panopto’s API looks like this:
When there POST request results in a conflict, could the following happen:
· Could the statusCode be 409 which is the HTTP status code to indicate a conflict?
· Could the responseBody contain an array of the session IDs (start & end times would also be nice) for the existing sessions that caused the conflict?
Response from Josha Chande:
We have contacted your CSA and they have raised the relevant enhancement request to be considered for a future release.