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Service Update 2023-08-28

Service Update 2023-08-28

Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Aug 28th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Aug 29th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.

  • Updated the WebEx integration to use the WebEx REST APIs rather than the soon-to-be deprecated WebEx SOAP APIs when pulling information on meeting recordings. This may require a WebEx administrator to reconnect the WebEx Integration in Panopto if they have not yet done so following the email from Panopto in June, due to Panopto requiring additional API permissions for the REST API.
  • Updated permissions syncing for Panopto administrators so that if an LMS user is also an administrator in Panopto, we will no longer attempt to sync their permissions with the LMS unnecessarily.
  • Moved the "Default Zoom Recordings Folder" on the Zoom Integrations Settings page beneath the "All integration users, even those without a Panopto account" setting, since it only applies when that option is selected.
  • Improved design of the pop-up dialog used in various parts of the product.
  • Improved design of the subscribe button in the video list header.
  • Fixed an issue where Content Retention audit and impact reports were reporting a higher number of views than the video actually had for videos with more than one stream.
  • Fixed an issue with Canvas Integrations that have "Copy Course Structure from LMS" enabled that could result in course folders for unpublished or inactive courses created before Copy Course Structure from LMS enabled to not be placed in the correct hierarchical location after reparenting all Canvas course folders.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in being unable to import Automatic Machine Captions in the Panopto Editor if the language of the captions did not match the content language on the folder settings, or the default content language for the site.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in student submission failing for Canvas, D2L, Blackboard, and Moodle integrations if the "Sharing - Assignment Folders" site setting was set to False.
  • Fixed a bug with the Blackboard Original integration using the Building Block that could cause a user to get access to a course folder in the case that an instructor or student copied a Student Submission LTI link from a Blackboard course and gave the copied link to another valid Blackboard user who was not enrolled in the course.
  • Fixed an issue with Canvas and D2L integrations that could cause course folders to fail to provision if "Copy Course Structure from LMS" was enabled for the Identity Provider and the "Features - Viewer - Discussion Moderation" site setting was set to Disabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could affect Canvas, D2L, Blackboard, Blackboard Ultra, and Moodle integrations when trying to report grades for a quiz that was embedded in a course using LTI 1.1 after migrating the links to use LTI 1.3.
  • Fixed an issue with accessibility of search results so that the results are announced to screen readers.

Version 14.2.0

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