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Important Update - Customer Success Office Hours

We are cancelling the October 9th meeting and go-forward cadence. We will be replacing it with a new invite and agenda, which you will be receiving shortly via email.
The next meeting will be on October 18th at 11am EST.
If you have any issues or questions that need immediate attention, please reach out to Customer Success ([email protected]) or Panopto Support, or feel free to post questions in the forum so that we may assist you.
Where is the link for the October 18th meeting? I had the links to the previous office hours but it says invalid link, so I assume that link will not work for future meetings.
Hi @Carlos Coronel,
I just checked and confirmed that the link has not been sent out yet for the meeting on the 18th. There will be an email sent out later this week, which will contain the new link to the meeting.
Best wishes,