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Ability to view/access a Transport Bar whilst recording; Control buttons "always on top"
We have just rolled Panopto out across the Institution and many of our users would find the above feature very useful when using the Desktop Client to record and would like it to be made part of standard product.
Please up vote!!
We have users complaining that they find it hard to have control over Panopto recording while PP is in presentation view on Mac. One problem is that PP on Mac hijack both screens. In my understanding they would like to have an option in settings that put the Panopto Recorder "always on top", so that they can place Panopto app mixed with the presenters view.
Hi, it's a visible bar on screen which shows whether a session is recording, paused etc. Something like this -
Got it. That makes sense and is needed. Keyboard shortcuts aren't a viable substitute for this.
It would be good to see this in the desktop recorder to bring it to parity with the remote recorder and other screen recording applications. Users need to be able to see at a glance if it is recording and to be able to pause/stop
Good idea, because otherwise they just have to trust it is recording.
I like the fact that you can just press F8 to start recording but it would be reassuring to have a pop-up message confirming the the recording has started.
Perhaps a thin red frame around the screen that's being recorded that would not end up as part of the final recording could be an option?
I would also highlight this as a need in regard to single monitor spaces, similar to the comment that Magnus Reibo has made in regards to OSX.