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Service Update 2023-10-19 feat. Improved Video and Caption Settings UX

Service Update 2023-10-19 feat. Improved Video and Caption Settings UX
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Oct 19th for the Canada and European clouds and the end of business hours on Oct 20th for the North America, Asia-Pacific, and Australia clouds.
- Redesigned the Panopto viewer video settings menu for improved usability of caption and audio description language, playback speed, caption layout, and video quality selection:
- Updated the new default caption display logic in the viewer to default to the captions with a language that matches the Content Language settings on either the folder or the Panopto site, if there are multiple language options at the same priority.
- Updated playback quality level selection behavior to switch smoothly when the current video chunk finishes playing, to avoid disrupting playback.
- Fixed an issue where user folders could in rare circumstances be created with the incorrect permissions.
- Fixed an issue where the Recycle Bin page could time out and show an error due to a non-optimized database query.
- Fixed an issue where the Content Retention Pending Actions list could occasionally fail to update due to a non-optimized database query.
- Fixed an issue with Panopto Student Submission in D2L that could cause the submitted assignment to fail to be moved from the course Assignments folder into the course's Student Submissions folder if a new video was uploaded during the Student Submission process.
- Fixed an issue affecting some videos embedded in a Blackboard Ultra course using LTI 1.1 that were then migrated to use LTI 1.3 which could result in Panopto returning an error configuring access, instead of displaying the video properly.
- Fixed an issue with column alignment in Content Retention UI tables.
- Fixed issues with column and header alignment in the "Detailed List View" (table view) for some video list pages.
- Fixed an issue that could result in a "Share" action erroneously appearing in the header of some video list views where it does not apply.
Version 14.6