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UK Panopto Conference 2023/24?

in General Q&A
Hi all,
Not sure if this is the right place but thought I would ask the community. I am at that lovely time of year which is PDR time and would usually map in somesort of Content Capture/Panopto conference in my actions for the coming year.
I went to the London conference last year but have not heard of any forthcoming conference for this year. If there is not one, can anyone recommend any alternatives. Equally I am happy to come and visit any HE and share Panopto practise - I presented at my university's Learning and Teaching Conference in June and am willing to share that to a willing audience.
Feel free to get in touch but would love to engage more with the community,
Hi @Shaun Searle,
I have shared your post with Panopto team members in your region. They have let me know that they will be in contact with you.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Thank you,