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Service Update 2024-01-04 feat. UX Updates, Course Copy Updates, and Device Matching
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Jan 4th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Jan 5th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- The LMS embedded Panopto folder layout has been enhanced to mirror the VCMS view more closely both visually and functionally, increasing UX uniformity across the two experiences.
- The Remote Recorder has been updated to remember devices if Windows changes the Deviceid. This prevents admins from having to reconfigure devices on Remote Recorders after Windows updates.
- Modified how Panopto handles redirects on login to reduce errors that could in some cases block user sign-in.
- Added Course Copy V2 functionality for customers using Panopto's new unified Blackboard integration
- Updated the Interactive Viewer to remember the selected caption language across views, and share this setting with the embedded viewer.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a WebEx integration to fail to import meetings after an attempt to import an invalid meeting recording.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Panopto's Student Submission feature for Blackboard, D2L, and Moodle to accidentally insert the video from a user's personal folder into the LMS, rather than the copy made in the Student Submissions folder.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Panopto quiz scores to fail to be passed back to a Sakai LMS integration if the Sakai integration was using LTI 1.3.
- Fixed an issue that could cause LTI 1.3 requests to fail for D2L due to D2L passing multiple values for a single claim in the LTI request.
- Fixed an issue that could cause videos embedded in Canvas, Moodle, or using a BLTI integration using LTI 1.3 to not properly have their width or height set when embedding the video, and cause the video to open in a new tab.
- Fixed an issue editing videos with audio-only primary streams that were created before the 14.8 release.
- Fixed an issue where videos with an audio-only primary stream could fail to play back the video for the other streams.
- Fixed an issue causing focus outlines to not be shown for some controls after closing a modal popup window.
- Fixed an issue with alignment of the Duration column in the video list Table view when it is the current sort.
- Fixed an issue where column headers in the video list Table view would not immediately shift to maintain alignment when Preview mode was toggled.
- Fixed the date filter to reset when navigating to a different page.
- Fixed two cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in the video References modal page.
- The VCMS user interface has been updated to include a more visually appealing Home Page with a new “Recently Viewed” section, redesigned Folder Pages for better organization, and improved controls for bulk actions, sorting, and date filtering.
Version 14.10.0