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Secondary source streaming for mobile

Original Post
Vladimir Zharinov, 12/24/2018 at 6:36 AM
I wish Panopto will have secondary source streaming for mobile ASAP. How could a student understand a teacher without e.g ppt presentation on a screen?
Unknown User 1, 9/26/2019 at 2:46 PM
Yes, it's more important for them to see a screencast from a mobile tablet. I draw on my screen as a digital whiteboard.
Unknown User 2, 10/23/2019 at 1:49 PM
Agreed. For a live stream with both camera and content it would be better to show the content on mobile rather than the camera. Better yet, allow the viewer to toggle between streams.
Thanks for your feedback on this. This is something that we are actively working on and I will reply back to this thread when we are close to releasing it.
We need something. We either need to allow students to switch stream or change the podcast output type at the folder level. Also being able to select a PIP with the primary and secondary streams reversed would be great too.
Hi Chaz - We actually have multi-stream PIP in an early beta right now. Would you like to try it out on your test Panopto site? Thanks. -Dave
How does it work? Is it a system wide setting or something I can configure for only specific users/folders?
I would love to test it but I can't risk breaking things for all my users right now. So if I can have some granularity, yes.
Hi Dave, anyway I could early beta the multi-stream PIP? This is a feature I would love to put to the test!
@Charles Barbour - It is a site-wide setting but I could enable it on your test Panopto site if you want.
@Kyle Zeltmann - Would you like me to ask your Customer Success Advocate to spin up a test Panopto site so you can try it out?
Please do so Dave.
That would be great, thanks Dave.
I emailed both of you. Thanks for helping us test!