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Current rate limits for the REST API

Gareth WalkerGareth Walker Crackerjack

Hi --

Raising this API question here in the first instance as requested by the Panopto support team.

I'd like to check what the current, official rate limits are for the Panopto REST API.

As of July 2022, this forum post said rates were limited to 5 calls per second, 100 calls per minute, and 5000 calls per hour. My questions are:

  1. What are the current, normal rate limits? (We're an institution in Europe if that has any bearing.)
  2. Do the same rates apply to test and production/live Panopto environments?
  3. Are these rates reasonably fixed, or can they vary?




Best Answers

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack
    Answer ✓

    Hi Gareth,

    Yes, the limit takes into consideration end-point. So if you call 2 different end-points at the same time you can do 10 calls overall in a second. So it is calculated separately for every end-point.

    If you want to increase the limits, please contact Panopto support.

    I hope this helps.


  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack
    Answer ✓

    Oh well that is interesting…I think I've responded something like below:

    1/ Different endpoints are calculated separately

    2/ Contact Panopto support if you want limit changed

    Not sure why the post disappeared BTW. I hope this helps.




  • I'm curious as well.

  • I am also curious if there are user level limits and if those are different than site level limits that are shared among users associated with a site.

  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Gareth,

    1. The current rate limits are still the same by default (5 calls per second, 100 calls per minute, and 5000 calls per hour).
    2. Yes, those rates are the same for both test and production environments.
    3. The rates are generally fixed. There are some rare times that a few calls above the value will get through, but it should never be less than the values provided above.

    I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.



  • Hi @Adis Hrnjica / Panopto (as I think @Kevin Baum may have moved on) --

    I'm reviving an earlier thread to ask if the previously described rate limits for the Panopto REST API still apply, or if there has been a change in Panopto's handling of large volumes of API requests since Kevin replied to my question a year ago?

    In our recent testing — which has been limited so far — we have the impression that Panopto may be applying some pre-emptive throttling/management of requests to the API, so that an authorised client making a large number of requests doesn't hit a ceiling and/or won't get a 'too many requests' type response.

    Is that the case and/or can you provide a summary of the expected behaviour in the event an authorised user/client makes a large number of requests to the REST API, that are greater than the rate limits previously described?

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Gareth,

    The rate limits are still the same if you use defaults. We can increase these numbers if customer requests it.

    Each request is calculated based on the incoming client ID (for an OAuth2 token-based authenticated API call), the incoming client IP address, and the specific endpoint being called.

    If a request is rate limited, Panopto will return an HTTP status of 429 along with a string in the response headers indicating which limit was exceeded and by how much.

    Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope this helps.



  • Hi @Adis Hrnjica — thanks so much for your quick reply and for the very helpful information. I hope it's OK to check a couple of things based on what you've shared:

    a.) Each request is calculated based on the incoming client id […] the specific endpoint being called…

    We wanted to check whether this meant, for example, that the request limit was calculated on a per-endpoint basis? For example, if I'm using a single Client ID and IP address to make multiple calls to Get and then Update a session — and/or making calls to the Sessions and ScheduledRecordings API endpoints — would the rate limit totals be counted in relation to my client's overall activity in relation to the API? Or would they be calculated separately/independently for each API endpoint?

    b.) We can increase these numbers if customer requests.

    If we wanted to request an increase, should we raise that via Panopto support and/or our partnership manager?

    Thanks again for your help 😀

  • Hmm, revisiting this page I feel like there was post in response to my questions above that has disappeared. (My emails suggest a response was posted on 21/1 but it's not here.) Or have I gone mad?

  • Thanks Adis!

  • Ahhh — if I tag something as having answered the question it gets promoted to the top of the discussion, where I didn't spot it before. Lesson learned! Sorry for the confusion.

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