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Best Practices for managing and storing session recordings

edited April 2024 in General Q&A

Hello Panopto users,

I have what I hope is a quick question about best practices for managing and storing session recordings.

Scenario 1:
Up to now, I suggested that faculty create a Personal Folder in their My Folder area with the name of the course they are teaching. I encourage them to use that folder to manage and store all their session recordings and uploaded files for that specific course. That way when they copy the course and prepare it for the next offering, all your video files will still reside in your [Course name] Personal Folder that you created and viewing permissions are maintained.

Scenario 2:
My institution implemented the Panopto LTI tool in our Canvas installation and we now have the option of adding the Panopto video Course Menu option and "provisioning" a specific Canvas course with its own Panopto folder.

After I created a single Panopto recording in my test course, I made a new course and used the "import existing content" from the initial test course into the new course and was surprised to see that the Panopto session file was also copied into a newly provisioned course folder for the new course.

I felt like in the past this did not happen (i.e., the Panopto file also being copied but rather it pointed to the original file and created sharing/viewing issues for students enrolled in the second course not being able to view the video because it lived in the course Panopto folder which they were not enrolled and thus could not "view"

I am wondering if someone has some insight into the preferred "best practice", Scenario 1, 2 or other.

Thanks so much for your help.


  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi @Donald Tracia,

    Hopefully some of our Panopto Admin users will chime in soon. In the meantime, I reached out to my colleagues to see what they might suggest for you.

    The suggestion I received was that Scenario 2 is preferable, as students can systematically access all the videos in their course, and Scenario 1 would likely make it harder for them to navigate and find videos. They said that they would only use Scenario 1 for videos that are repeatedly reused across several courses, and every semester.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out - we're always happy to help!
    Best wishes,

  • Jim GoldenJim Golden Panopto Employee

    Please also note that this process creates Reference Copies of the original content, rather than Full Copies. It's a stand-alone shell, meaning you have statistics and permissions unique to that copy, but it uses the same back-end files as the original. The advantage of this is that it doesn't impact your stored or created hours. You can find more information on Reference Copies here: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Learn-About-Video-Reference-Copies

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