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Service Update 2024-08-01

Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator
edited August 9 in Release Notes

Service Update 2024-08-01

Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Aug 8th for the North American, Canadian, and European clouds and at the end of business hours on Aug 9th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.

Access AI Updates

Access AI is a premium add-on feature for Panopto customers. For information on adding this feature to your organization's Panopto account, please visit Product Add-Ons: Access AI or contact your Account Manager.

  • Added the new Access AI Automated Translations captions provider to the System > Caption & Translation Services menu, which appears when the Access AI addon has been enabled.
  • Added a new site setting 'Features - Access AI: Enable AI Summarization' for Admins to enable AI summarizations when the Access AI addon has been enabled. This includes both Key Point summaries displayed in the video list view and detailed summaries within the Panopto Viewer.
  • Added a new folder setting 'Access AI: Summary' allowing AI Summaries to be enabled/disabled for specific folders when the Access AI addon has been enabled.
  • Added a new site setting 'Features - Access AI: Enable AI Chapters' for Admins to enable AI Chapters when the Access AI addon has been enabled. This adds AI-powered chapters to the table of contents in the viewer/editor.
  • Added a new folder setting 'Access AI: Chapters' allowing AI Chapters to be enabled/disabled for specific folders when the Access AI addon has been enabled.
  • Added a new folder setting 'Auto Language Detect' allowing AI language detection to be enabled/disabled for specific folders. Panopto Support can enable this for customers when the Access AI addon has been enabled. This can be configured to be enabled and on by default for folders or enabled in such a way that ‘Auto Language Detect’ can be enabled at the folder level by end-users.

Knowledge Insights Updates

Knowledge Insights is a premium add-on feature for Panopto customers. For information on adding this feature to your organization's Panopto account, please visit Product Add-Ons: Knowledge Insights or contact your Account Manager.

  • Updated the ‘Seconds Viewed’ viewership chart to ‘Minutes Viewed’ in the Knowledge Insights System Dashboard addon.
  • Fixed an issue with the Viewership and Creation Date Filters preventing the filters from working properly in the Knowledge Insights System Dashboard addon.
    Added cross-filter filtering for Viewership and Creation filters in the Knowledge Insights System Dashboard addon.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the ‘Top Folders by # of Sessions’ table from being sorted by folder name in the Knowledge Insights Creation (Folders) Dashboard addon.
  • Fixed an issue causing Folder ID and Session ID values to be displayed incorrectly in the Knowledge Insights Creation (Folders) and Creation (Creators) Dashboards addon.
  • Updated the Streams and Sessions KPIs format from comma-separated (formerly x, xxx, xxx) to SI unit notation (now XX.X M) in Knowledge Insights Creation Dashboards addon.
  • Updated the filter name and table header from ‘Is Broadcast’ to ‘Is Webcast’ in the Knowledge Insights Creation Dashboards addon.
  • Fixed an issue causing multiple occurrences of the Creator column to appear in the Knowledge Insights Creation (Sources) Dashboard addon.
  • Fixed an issue in the Stored Hours Summary (By Qtr) chart to properly display hours stored instead of percentages in the Knowledge Insights Retention Dashboard addon.
  • Updated ‘On-Demand’ labeling to ‘Stored’ in the Knowledge Insights Retention Dashboard addon.
    Fixed an issue that prevented several different types of sources from displaying in the Knowledge Insights Creation (Sources) Dashboard addon.

Core Product Service Updates

  • Added Open LMS EDU support for our 5 major Moodle plugins enabling customers to install Panopto plugins within their Open LMS Moodle sites. To learn more, please feel free to visit our Support article on How to Configure Panopto for Open LMS.
  • Fixed an issue where streaming media URL obfuscation was blocking playback on Safari browsers for some types of video.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent screen readers from being able to announce video titles in the VCMS.
  • Fixed an issue where audio podcasts could fail to play when launched from the Outputs tab of Session Settings.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause SCORM content to fail to pass back a completion percentage for some integrations.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Panopto's authorization cookie to lose its HTTP Only attribute if a Panopto site had the setting "Security - Timeout (Cookies) for Authenticated Users" set to a value above "0".
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the DescribeReportTypes SOAP API call to fail due to a missing report type.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause old content in ISM format to fail to playback in the viewer.
  • Fixed an issue where viewer completion statistics for embedded videos may not be calculated properly if the user returns to the main page of their LMS immediately after watching it.

Version 15.1.0

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