Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Service Update 2024-09-05
Service Update 2024-09-05
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Sept 5th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Sept 6th for the Asia-Pacific, Japan, and Australia clouds.
Access AI Updates
Access AI is a premium add-on feature for Panopto customers. For information on adding this feature to your organization's Panopto account, please visit Product Add-Ons: Access AI or contact your Account Manager.
- Added automated translations to the Access AI suite. Summaries, Chapters, Automated Language ID, and Automated translations are now fully available to customers as part of the Access AI add-on.
Knowledge Insights Updates
Knowledge Insights is a premium add-on feature for Panopto customers. For information on adding this feature to your organization's Panopto account, please visit Product Add-Ons: Knowledge Insights or contact your Account Manager.
- Fixed an issue in Insights where the Retention Insights dashboard was showing inaccurate data in the Cumulative Viewed Hours column.
- Fixed the folder column on the Insights dashboard, where the Folder ID number was shown instead of its name
- Updated the Insights menu icon on the System Navigation Bar
- Added the Remote Recorder Dashboard to Insights
- Added Legacy Report: “Total Sessions Created by User” to Insights
- Added Legacy Report: “Last Sign-in Time per User” to Insights
- Added Legacy Report: “Remote Recorder Usage” to Insights
- Added Legacy Report: “Sessions created or edited” to Insights
- Added Legacy Report: “Folder Usage” to Insights
- Added Legacy Report - “System views and downloads” to Insights.
- Added Legacy Report - “Remote Recorder Usage” to Insights.
Core Product Service Updates
- Fixed an issue where, when the site setting "Security - Use CHIPS Partitioned Cookies" was changed, a login failure would occur for users until they cleared their Panopto-related cookies.
- Fixed an issue where 3Play captions import did not work for sessions with 2 primary streams.
- Fixed an issue that prevented screen readers from being able to announce video titles in the VCMS.
- Fixed a scheduling bug on the Remote Recorder preview screen where, if the session time was extended 5 minutes, the next session time would be pushed back for 5 minutes.
Version 15.2