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iPhone app time code issues with playback

David ChunDavid Chun Tyro
edited 2024 27 in General Q&A
Hello, I am a student trying to view recorded lectures from my university. I would like to report an issue with playback on my iPhone.

When selecting any video, I will always start at the beginning. It doesn’t matter if I try to scroll through the video, it will still play from wherever it was left off. I do not have this issue when viewing it on the iPad app, or my MacBook/desktop computer.

Playing videos in progress will play audio from the beginning of the recording, even though the progress bar is in the middle.

I have tried reinstalling the app and logging out and logging back in. Still no resolution.


  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi @David Chun,

    This sounds like our Support team should investigate. To expedite this process and make things easier for you, I will submit a Support ticket on your behalf and make your local Panopto administrator aware.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!

    Best wishes,

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