Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Resources for Education Customers

- Our Commitment to Education and Business Continuity - CEO Eric Burns
- Schools and institutions are transitioning to distance learning. Learn more about how to transition with our best practices, and check out our our seven tips to quickly adapt to online lectures. :
- Distance Learning at Scale
- Using Zoom and Panopto to Deliver Virtual Learning at Scale
- Maintain Productivity as Work Moves Online
- Panopto Adds Automatic Recording and Sharing of Recurring Zoom Meetings, Offers Businesses, Universities, Colleges, and Schools Unlimited, Complimentary Panopto Enterprise for Three Months
- Coming soon: We will be presenting a new and improved speech-to-text system.
Please note that, in addition to the above resources, Panopto is offering longer than usual trials to any institution or K-12 district in need of an immediate solution as well as offering longer trials for on-prem customers who can't handle the load on their on-prem servers.
Panopto is proud that we are able to help our customers through this unprecedented situation and are working around the clock to make sure that we're meeting everyone's needs as best we can.
For next time, a Copy function via the API would be very useful. Our approach has been to copy sessions from last year's module (course) into this year's module (course) and then leave tutors (instructors) to decide how to use the previously recorded sessions. This was our quickest and easiest response at extremely short notice.
Hi @Richard Goodman.
Great idea! Feel free to submit it as a Feature Request for other users to consider + upvote. Our Product Team will review these requests when we decide what to build next.
Thanks @Cait McCabe - I've done just that!