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Certificates of Completion on Panopto Video/quizes
in General Q&A
I am looking but unable to find information on offering a certificate of completion for students who view a Panopto video. We have a department who would like to offer multiple videos to many students who would then need to prove to their faculty member that they have completed a Panopto video/quiz. Is this a feature that Panopto offers or would consider creating?
This being said, we understand how to feed an individual video into an LMS gradebook. I thought with the viewer timing and/or quiz completion statistics that Panopto may already have a way to create a PDF or other confirmation of completion. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Hi @Richard Palmer,
We currently do not have a feature that offers a certificate of completion; however, there are a couple of options for how someone can access quizzing and viewing statistics to determine who has taken a quiz or watched a video:
By following the steps in How to Add a Quiz to a Video: Viewing Quizzing Results, anyone with Creator or a higher-level access to a video can download a .csv report that includes information about who has taken a quiz and their results.
For viewing statistics, anyone with Creator or higher-level access could use the folder or session-level statistics report function, as detailed in Learn About Folder and Session Level Statistics.
If you would like, you can submit a Feature Request for certificates of completion on videos here: New Feature Request.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
Thank you Caitlin,
While this doesn't give me an easy solution it is good information. I will pass it on the requesting department with some other design & delivery ideas and let them choose the best fit for their needs.
Appreciatively, Richard