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Ability to set Microsoft Teams <> Panopto folder mappings rules at the central admin le

edited 2025 01 in Feature Requests

Only individual users can update which MS Teams recordings are sent to Panopto. This puts the users in control of opting into this feature and some admins would prefer to do this on their behalf. There should be an admin tool or option to configure these settings on behalf of the users (and ideally, the admin could do this in bulk for multiple teams at a time).

The reasoning for this is that the current workflow for Panonopto in Teams is too cumbersome for users. Having to set a destination folder for each Team and meeting seperatly is too much of a load and I am really concerned users will ultimately choose for the ease-of-use of Streams.

7 votes

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  • As all of our Panopto folders follow the same naming pattern of MODULE ID: MODULE TITLE, ACADEMIC YEAR we would like to see development in the ability to set folder mapping rules centrally, reducing the workload and burden for individual academics on setting up new rules each year and for each of their Blackboard modules. In this workflow, users would name their meetings with the module ID which also features in the relevant Panopto folder, and recordings would be automatically mapped and uploaded to the folder.

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