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Recording has a duration of 1:20, but uploaded video is only 1 second long

I've got an issue with a recent recording of one of my lectures. The lecture was about 1 hour and 20 minutes long, and the Panopto client on Windows correctly reports a duration of 1:20 for the video.

However, when it is uploaded to the Panopto server, a 1 second video results. I have tried uploading to other Panopto folders, and the result is always a 1 second video. I have been able to upload other full length videos recently, but this one does not work. This one always uploads as a 1 second video.

How can I get the full video file to work? The recording is ~12 GB, so there's got to be more than 1 second of material recorded there, right? I've tried copying the recording to another machine (from the PanoptoRecorder folder on one machine to another), and the other machine also only gives a 1 second video upon upload, despite the recording being 12 GB.

Also, unfortunately, the machine on which it was recorded was not configured to produce MP4 files, so it's not as simple as finding the MP4 files and uploading those.



  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi @Jacob Hauenstein,

    This sounds like an issue for our Support team to investigate. To expedite this matter and make things easier for you, I will submit a Support ticket on your behalf and make your local Panopto administrator aware. Please keep an eye out for correspondence regarding this.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!

    Best wishes,
    Cait McCabe

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