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Upcoming Downtime: April 12th, 2025, 10:00 PM (EDT)/7:00 PM (PDT)

Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator
edited March 14 in Announcements

Upcoming Downtime: April 12th, 10:00 PM (EDT)/7:00 PM (PDT)

An upcoming downtime is scheduled for April 12th, 2025, at 10:00 PM (EDT)/7:00 PM (PDT), for approximately three hours. 

During this window, we will implement Database High Availability to improve our overall uptime and fault tolerance.  Note: This High Availability implementation has already been completed in AP, AU, CA, and JP.

Edit: The times in this post were updated to 10:00 PM (EDT)/7:00 PM (PDT)

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