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Issue with embedding captions
I have a situation where I had to get captions made, but also needed a presentation split into two. To save time, I send for captions on the complete video, then made copies, one of which I trimmed the beginning, the second, I trimmed the end. This gave me the two videos.
Once I had the captions, I extracted the ASHX file and uploaded it to each of the "split" videos. The captions show up when I go into edit mode. The presentations is tagged as having captions. But when I watch the actual presentation, the captions are not accessible to viewers. Am I missing something? Did I miss a step?
Hi Philip!
For trouble-shooting purposes, did you request captions via Panopto or externally through a third party?
If you requested this in Panopto, the copies should both have the captions - if not, we may need to look into this further with our support team. If you requested it via a third party externally, you'll need to make sure that the checkbox next to "captions are based on the edited session" is selected in your video settings, as described in step two of this article: How to Upload a Caption File for a Video.
Hope that helps! If not, let me know and we can troubleshoot further 😊