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Moodle integration, Panopto Button and Moodle App

in Moodle
We're using the Panopto block to provision courses and sync user access, this work very well!
We've been using the Panopto button to embed videos, for most this works perfectly fine when using a regular PC/Laptop etc.
The issue comes with using the Moodle app, it requires users to login as it doesn't authenticate and it just errors.
Any ideas welcome because embedded videos work so well on site, but there are soo many niggles going on!
Hi Juli,
Thanks for alerting us to this issue! Upon initial review, we think this may be an issue on the Moodle side since the issue is in their app, and recommend that you connect with their support team.
Hi Cait,
Thanks for the reply.
I've spoken with Moodle and they state the Panopto plugin is not app compliant and this is why the app can't authenticate against users and display embedded videos.
Is there any word in getting this work done at all?
Hi Juli,
I'm sorry to hear this. In this case, I would recommend connecting with Panopto support. If you'd like, I'd be happy to submit a ticket on your behalf.
Best wishes,
Hi Cait,
I think it's been added as a feature request somewhere! Let's hope this speeds up development with so many people using the app now.
Thanks again
I think the new app which is still in Beta (but hopefully not for much longer) seems to fix this. We can now sign into the App using our Moodle sign in (which in turn uses G-Suite) - this wasn't / isn't possible using the current app.