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Bulk Copy function via API

A Copy function via the API would be very useful. Our approach for COVID-19 has been to copy sessions from last year's module (course) into this year's module (course) and then leave tutors (instructors) to decide how to use the previously recorded sessions. This was our quickest and easiest response at extremely short notice.
Any update on this?
@Richard Goodman We are still considering this one for the future, but there is not an ETA that I can provide.
To resurface and re-emphasize @Richard Goodman request, the lack of session-copy functionality via the API continues to be a major pain point for our team. Having to consistently copy sessions manually creates significant inefficiencies for us — we wouldn't be on the fence about renewing with Panopto if not for this issue. Please reconsider this feature request and provide an update on plans / ETA for implementation as soon as possible. Thank you! @Kathryn
@Matthew Bolanos Thanks for your feedback, Matthew! I don't have an additional update at this time, but I looped in your account team on this concern.
We have a number of concurrently run courses. Right now, staff are manually copying and pasting the recording into the second courses folders. There are about 600-800/semester for our staff of 2.5 (who undertake this manual process amongst all of their other work)!
Being able to programmatically copy videos via API to secondary folders would save many hours of manual admin time
Over 4 years since I raised this, and still no solution for doing this in bulk…
We're reaching the 5th anniversary of this request and based on the discussions that we just had at a meeting around Panopto support, it would be really handy to have it implemented :-)
Yes, we've been raising this almost monthly with our Account Manager as well as putting this in as a feature request. Panopto - please be more responsive! @Valen Ng and @Tyrone Najduch