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Issue with watching content via blackboard
in Blackboard
Whenever I try to watch content via blackboard, it tells me that 'we havent heard from you in a while' and then proceeds to not load. Help :/
Best Answer
JAMES HARTY Crackerjack
James, from IT Services, TCD, I have asked the Panopto support to close their ticket, we have your ticket in our esd ticketing system and I have provided some initial advice on how you can overcome this issue, if you need further help just respond to my ticket email and I'll work with you to sort out this issue.
So from here on in, just work with me via the it service desk ticket you have open with me.
Kind Regards,
James Harty, IT Services, TCD
Hi Alfie,
Thanks for alerting us to this issue! Upon initial review, we think this may be an issue on the Blackboard side, and recommend that you connect with their support team.
EVen when I try to logon via the panopto website I still cant get in
Hi Alfie,
I'm sorry to hear this. I'm going to go ahead and submit a ticket with our Support team, as well as reach out to your Panopto administrator about this. Please be on the lookout for communication regarding this matter soon.
In the meantime, I had a Panopto teammate suggest that you try clearing your browser cache to see if that helps. Let me know if that works 😊
Best wishes,