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Why does Panopto Lock my Students out of viewing the embedded video?
in Canvas
When students try to access the videos that I've embedded on pages on Canvas. They report that the video is locked. I've even have created student list granting them access to the videos. But every day I get a lot of email requesting that I grant access to a student. WHY???? This is proving to be frustrating to my students.
Hi Tatiana,
Is the video in question in the course folder where the video is embedded? I am going to reach out to your local Panopto administrator for assistance with this. You should receive a separate email regarding this soon.
Hi Tatiana,
I have found that this often occurs for new students who haven't clicked on the Panopto link in the Module Navigation to create their Panopto account.
Once they have clicked the Panopto link their account is created automatically and they will be able to view embedded videos. It is a one time thing so it generally only applies to students who haven't accessed Panopto content before..
Hi Tatiana,
We had the same issue in Blackboard and it is resolved by using the Panopto link in the course tools area. But as an admin, I was able to set the site timeout more aggressively so that Panopto looked for the login credentials on a more frequent basis and it has mitigated this issue for us. We have also done a lot of work to teach our campus members about browser cookies and how to set them responsibly so that they work with the third-party tools we plug in to our LMS.
You'll get that behavior for a session that is in the course folder if you copy-and-paste the embed code from the Panopto session "Share" area instead of using the Rich Content Editor in Canvas to embed. The latter wraps the session with a url that logs the student in to Panopto automatically via LTI. If the embed link is copy and pasted and the student has not logged into Panopto (by clicking the nav link, or logging directly into Panopto) they'll see be asked to request access since the session is restricted to course groups. You could either make the video open to everyone with the link, or re-embed the videos using the RCE.