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Service update 2020-03-26

Service update 2020-03-26
- Panopto Capture (beta) is now available for all users. Visibility can be controlled via the site setting Panopto Capture Availability.
- Zoom Integration: Users will now be able to configure multiple Zoom accounts on a single Panopto site. This enables customers to import Zoom meetings from multiple Zoom accounts into their Panopto site.Added a capability to configure multiple Zoom accounts to a single Panopto site.
- Zoom Integration: Added a new feature, where any Zoom meeting scheduled by Zoom LTI Pro tool in a course, will automatically get imported to the corresponding Panopto's course folder. This is available with Canvas, Moodle, and Desire2Learn. Please see How to Configure Folder Mapping using Zoom LTI Pro for Canvas, D2L, and Moodle for more information.
- Added a new setting to skip importing Zoom's transcription and use Panopto's speech recognition. Please use Import transcription from Zoom to control this behavior. By default, Zoom's transcriptions are imported.
- Added a beta capability to put direct LTI deep linking to Panopto video in Moodle and report quiz results. Please see How to Set Up the Panopto External Tool in Moodle for Quiz Grade Reporting and Direct Video Links and How to Insert Panopto Video Links and Quizzes in Moodle for more information.
- Added a capability for the administrators to configure the mapping of a Zoom meeting ID to a specific folder of individual end-users, even when the capability is not available to end-users.
- Added support for Firefox in Panopto Capture (beta).
- Add Russian and Italian language support to smart search
- Added a capability to change some attributes of embedded videos in Blackboard Ultra. These attributes include: Autoplay, Start Time, Enable 'Watch in Panopto' button, Show Title, Show Logo, and Interactivity
- Fixed an issue where traditional Chinese characters were not recognized correctly by Smart Search.
- Fixed an issue where Panopto Capture (beta) was incorrectly blocked for users with only assignment folder access.
- Fixed an issue where “My folder” was not correctly displayed when it was selected as the target folder of Zoom meeting imports.
- Fixed an issue where in some situations, Panopto administrators got an incorrect warning email even though the Zoom import feature was working correctly and no action was needed.
- Fixed an issue where playlists were not correctly embedded into Blackboard Ultra.
- Fixed an issue where the end user got 404 error while taking quizzes in Panopto video in rare condition.
- Fixed an issue in Panopto Capture (beta) where the preview video didn't stop playing when the user navigated away from the post-recording screen.
- Fixed an issue where search results used a different thumbnail than what the creator specified in the editor.
- Fixed an issue where search results did not show description of the videos under some conditions.
- Fixed an issue where content retention e-mails were sent too frequently.
- Fixed a few accessibility issues in the embed player.