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Recording Screen not capturing the secondary image
I am using Panopto for the first time on my Mac, which is running on High Sierra 10.13.6, with all updates in place. When I get to the recording screen, it shows my voice is being picked up and I am being shown in the primary source box. I check marked the record PPT button and the built in display button, but nothing shows up in the secondary source box except a message that says "screen capture in progress." I am not sure what to do. Is there something else I need to set in Panopto? In PPT?
Hi Vincent,
Some versions of OSX prevent Panopto from successfully displaying screen capture preview. Rest assured that when you start recording, those sources will be captured.
Let us know if we can provide further guidance.
Best wishes,
Hi Cait,
So, I am running on a 2010 Mac with OS 10.13.6. When I open Panopto, I turn off the primary camera (so the students would only hear my voice for PPT), but then the secondary box stays blank. It does not pick up the PPT. I've now done this on my PC at work, and a box comes up that asks you to pick the PPT you want, and then asks if you want to record immediately upon opening the PPT. My Mac is not doing that at all. I thought Panopto was supposed to work with OS 10.13. I am thinking that either I don't have something set right, or it is a hardware problem. I called Apple and they kept me on the phone with two techs for 20 minutes and then the call dropped and I never got a firm answer from them.
I am also having the same issue with one of my users. They are also on 10.13.6 and running Panopto 9. Everything records except for the secondary screen. It just says "screen capture in progress", but when recording it does not record the cursor or anything actually on the screen except for the powerpoint. This is working fine on my machine running Mojave 10.14.6. Not sure if it is a high sierra issue?
Not sure if this will help, but my user upgraded from Sierra to High Sierra. What we ended up doing was a clean uninstall of Panopto with the instructions below:
1. Remove the Panopto application. Go to the Application folder and drag Panopto to the trash.
2. Go to the Finder and click Go > Go to Folder.
3. Enter ~/Library/Application Support
4. Delete the Panopto Recorder folder
5. In the Finder click Go > Go to Folder.
6. Enter ~/Library/Preferences/
7. Delete the file labeled com.panopto_recorder
After we reinstalled and it is working now!