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How to return assignment video to student?
in General Q&A
We have 6 clinical skills that students will be practicing over the next 6 weeks. We have asked them to submit a video demonstration to an assignment folder each week. So we are closing one folder before opening a new one.
We plan to add feedback as comments to a video, then return the video to the student. What is the best way to return the videos? I cant see any way of reopening the assignment folder.
Hi Jeff,
Great question! We recommend that after the assignment videos have been graded/comments have been added, that the faculty move those videos out of the assignment folder and into a different sub-folder for the course where they can share the video with the student directly or that they change the video share setting to "anyone with a link" and then send the link to the student.
Hope this helps! Let us know if you have any more questions.
Best wishes,
OK, I was hoping there was an easy way to do this, like reposting the assignment folder. Will add this to the feature request forum. will start emailing students with link this week.