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Video loaded upside down
in Canvas
One of our Faculty had a student record their assignment and everything looked fine. Then when he uploaded to Panopto, the image was turned upside down. This did not happen with the other students. The file type was .MOV
Please let us know how to correct a video that loads upside down.
Thank you!
Judy Harmon
Hi Judy,
We're sorry this student experienced this issue. It sounds like there is something peculiar about this specific .mov file that's causing the problem. I'll connect with your local Panopto administrator to notify them of this issue. We'll touch base with Panopto Support, if necessary.
Best wishes,
Thanks for any assistance!
I have this same issue with uploading .mov files. A simple fix would be to have a rotation feature on the Panopto editor.
I've had this happen to me on occasion if recording from my phone using the Panopto app. I've resorted to running a test recording first, and if the recording is upside down, I rotate my phone 180 degrees before I shoot the required video. By that I mean if I hold my phone horizontally in my right hand and the portion of my phone with the home button is in my right hand, if the video is upside down, I'll reshoot with the the phone in my left hand and home button side portion also in my left hand, phone is still held horizontally.
Hope that makes sense, I was having a hard time coming up with a way to write it properly.
This is a know issue with phones using the new HEIF/HEVC format. Panopto does not support this format as of today. I have already submitted a feature request to support this new format as most phone now use this format by default. Panopto has instructions to disable this format in your phone and then, it will upload normally. In a iPhone, go to Settings, Camera, Formats, deselect High Efficiency, select Most Compatible.