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Problems with panopto links when exporting a course in BB Ultra Test and importing in BB Ultra Prod
in Blackboard
We have at the University two Blackboard environments (Test and Prod). We have different URLs for each of them.
We have configured the Panopto integration SUCCESFULLY in both environments.
The problem comes when we are exporting some courses on Test environment which have embedded video files from Panopto
When we import these courses in BB Ultra Prod environment, those embbedded files are broken.
Can anybody help us and give some clues in what is happening?
Does anybody knows if there is any additional configuration to be done on the Panopto side?
Thank you very much.
Fernando Cuevas.
Hi Fernando,
I've spoken with a member of our team, who has recommended we connect you with your local Panopto administrator to open a Support ticket. I'll reach out to this person, so keep an eye out for an email regarding this matter.
Best wishes,
Hi Cait.
I haven't received yet any mail from the local Panopto administrator.
Could you please give me feedback on this?
Many thanks.
Hi Fernando,
I did check-in with your local Panopto administrator, and he did have me open a Support ticket. I took a look at the notes on the Support ticket, and it would seem like he did speak with Support about the issue and will be in contact with you soon. Thank you for your patience as we sort this out.
Best wishes,