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HVEC Support
in General Q&A
Are others having issues with videos (generally uploading by students to assignment folders) with videos recorded on iPhones in HVEC, high efficiency recording mode? We are seeing quite a bit of this recently and when the videos are uploaded to Panopto they are heavily distorted and sometimes even unplayable. This is becoming an increasingly big problem for us as instructors are asking more and more students to upload videos as a part of an assignment or exam. Is there any fix to this issue beyond asking students to run their video through handbrake?
I support this request. We have many classes using the assignment feature and students uploading videos using their phones. The problem is that by default most newer phones use HVEC. Panopto has instructions to disable this in their web site, but i think they should add HVEC support .a.s.a.p. Most students will upload videos using their phones anyway. I talked to tech support about this - I think I entered another request like this earlier. They assured me is in the road map, I think this has to be at the top right now.!
Hi Justin,
We don't currently support this type of recording, so I would like to encourage you to submit a New Feature Request for this. In the meantime, our article on How to Turn Off High Efficiency Mode for Recording in iOS should assist your users with submitting videos that work well.
I hope this is helpful, please let me know if you have any more questions.
Best wishes,
the feature request is already placed! A few weeks back.