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Video Uploading and Processing TImes
I am new to Panopto and really like the platform. I am likely to upgrade, but seem a bit concerned with lack of support and some functionality I need help with right from the start. So here I am...
I have recorded portions (5-10 minutes) of my presentation with powerpoint and video without problems. However, I finally did the whole presentation which exceeded an hour and after uploading, its status stuck in "processing" for well over 24 hours. I deleted it and rerecorded it (again video and powerpoint screensharing) and it is doing the same thing. What should be the turnaround on completion? Should I have just waiting longer than the 24 hours? Is there a setting issue or membership status issues that cause this?
Thank you!
Hi Todd,
I'm glad to hear that you really like Panopto so far! I hope your issue with your upload processing time has resolved. Sometimes, video processing takes longer due a video's length or overall quality. If there's still an issue with this, please let me know.
Our Support documentation, located at, is a great resource for learning about Panopto and troubleshooting some issues. If you have a paid Panopto Pro or Enterprise account, you can directly connect with our Support team. For paid Panopto Pro users, the details on how to connect with our Support team is located in this article: Can I Contact Support with My Plan?
In addition, posting here in the community forum is a great way to crowd source solutions and ideas for using Panopto.
Hope this is helpful!
Best wishes,