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Service update 2020-05-07

Service update 2020-05-07
- Improved the layout of imported Zoom recordings when three or more participants join and the screen is never shared. Panopto puts the active speaker view as the primary video and the gallery view as the secondary video.
- Added a feature to import Zoom meetings, which are created by Zoom LTI Pro tool on Blackboard courses into their corresponding Panopto course folders. Note: this feature is already available for Canvas, Moodle, and D2L
- Updated the automatic sharing of imported Zoom videos to meeting participants who have a user account on the Panopto site. Previously, the videos were shared only to the participants who are members of the organization's Zoom account.
- Updated Panopto Capture (beta) to show accurate upload progress.
- Update the user-experience for Panopto Capture (beta) post-recording, to be more intuitive.
- Improved the quality of shared screens recorded in Panopto Capture (beta).
- Improved the performance of the system usage page.
- Fixed an issue where the user's default recording folder would not properly appear.
- Fixed an issue where, in rare situations, Zoom session processing failed.
- Fixed an issue where slides appearing in podcast encodes could have color artifacting.
- Fixed an issue where Zoom content imported via the Zoom integration could have a missing audio histogram in the editor.
- Fixed an issue where podcast encodes could be truncated rather than including the full session duration.
- Fixed an issue where end-users saw options to manage meetings to folder mapping even though the administrator did not allow users to select the folders.
- Fixed an issue where end-users incorrectly saw options to manage Zoom meeting ID mapping to destination folder, even though those users are not a member of the user group which is allowed to import Zoom recordings.
- Fixed an issue where Panopto failed to import some recordings or associated transcripts under the rare conditions where a) the Zoom account was configured to multiple Panopto sites and b) Zoom fails to notify Panopto of its recording completion in real-time.
- Fixed an issue where, when using the D2L quiz tool, an apostrophe in the name would result in an error.
- Fixed a rare issue that would block the ability to view sessions if Hive was enabled and unavailable.
- Fixed an issue where users created in a specific way did not get their name or email address populated in Panopto.
- Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, some quiz results were not reported to an LMS.
- Fixed an issue where some PowerPoint matches were not returning results in VCMS search.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Webcast has ended' message is incorrectly shown before the user actually reaches the end of the webcast.