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Extra users in Pro plan?

Currently I'm on the free plan, but I'm considering upgrading to Pro. On the upgrade page it states "For individuals and small teams". 2020-05-14 om 14.02.35.pngDoes that mean I can create extra users? If I dive into the plan specifications or docs, I can't find details on that. It would be really great if I could create 1 or 2 users (that would be enough) so people I collaborate with can remotely record presentations into my account.
I hope someone here can confirm this is possible :)
Hi Bart,
At this time, Panopto Pro accounts are limited to one user per account; however, your collaborators could sign up for Panopto Basic and you would be able to share your videos securely with each other. To learn more about sharing videos and folders using Panopto Pro, please visit How to Share a Video with Panopto Pro and How to Share a Folder with Panopto Pro.
Though we don’t currently have a subscription plan that allows additional users, we do offer Panopto Enterprise, which is most suitable for organizations with 100+ members. If you are interested in Enterprise, please visit Panopto Subscription Plans for more details.
If you have any more questions, please let me know and I'll be happy to answer them.
Best wishes,