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Panopto 5.7 Release Updates

Service Update 2018-06-10

  • Fixed an issue with scheduling recordings through the web interface for time zones east of UTC, where the recording was scheduled for the previous day.
  • Fixed an issue with Blackboard permission syncing that occurs when the Blackboard provider's configured "instance name" contains a mix of upper and lowercase letters.

Service Update 2018-06-12

  • Fixed an issue with Desire2Learn when it is configured not to provision folders during login, where users may lose the access to existing course folders when signing in.
  • Fixed an issue with the admin interface to generate usage reports where the report columns sometimes appear in the wrong language.

Service Update 2018-06-13

  • Fixed an issue with the editor where newly uploaded secondary streams were not search indexed by OCR.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where newly uploaded primary streams were not search indexed by ASR.
  • Fixed an issue where launching the editor for specific sessions with "old style" splices showed a message that "the advanced editor is required", but did not provide a link to the advanced editor.
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive viewer where "the webcast has ended" page no longer appeared when the webcast ended.
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive viewer where the secondary stream didn't play from the correct position when seeking the viewer caused the visible secondary stream to change.
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive viewer where the buffering indicator did not display properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive viewer where swapping stream positions did not work reliably in Safari.
  • Fixed an issue with the Canvas integration where course provisioning failed when some courses were mapped to multiple folders and "Copy course structure from LMS" was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with the PublicAPI where Folder contextIDs were pre-pended with the string "panoptointernal\".
  • Fixed an issue with creating new scheduled recordings where the date picker defaulted to the wrong date, if the recorder's timezone was East of UTC.
  • Fixed an issue with analytics where clicking the "Stats" button on the Everything page sometimes displayed stats for the previously viewed folder.
  • Fixed an issue where UX that was new or modified in Panopto 5.7 was not translated from English to additional languages.

Service update 2018-06-25

  • Fixed an issue with managing user groups where performance was slow for sites with very large numbers of users.
  • Fixed an issue with the "User Groups" admin page where sorting by provider caused an error.
  • Fixed an issue with grade book quiz reporting in Blackboard where a duplicate folder was created when choosing the quiz to use as an assignment.
  • Added an optional capability for handling LTI links when the LTI role specified is "none", to allow login without granting any permissions.
  • Fixed an issue with media processing when editing legacy sessions where audio could become distorted after publishing.
  • Fixed an issue with media processing where content created by Panopto for Mac that contains minor AAC errors can fail to process.
  • Fixed an issue with editing certain legacy sessions where, if the media streams contain "frame gaps", cute in the editor are offset by several seconds from what is shown in the viewer.
  • Fixed an issue with caption upload where captions with multiple newlines for a single timestamp would fail to import.
  • Fixed an issue where portions of the Web interface were not translated into all supported languages.
  • Fixed an issue where portions of the Web interface were not translated into all supported languages.
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive viewer where when auto-play was blocked by the browser, the user didn't have a clear call to action to begin playback.
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive viewer where secondary streams that include audio would play their audio at the same time as the primary stream (they should play muted).
  • Fixed an issue with variable-speed-playback in the interactive viewer where playback would sometimes stop when switching secondary streams.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where adding an audio-only clip prevented further editing.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where uploading a stream while making additional edits did not automatically publish those changes together.
  • Fixed an issue with Department homepages where playlists within the folder did not display in the "Folder Contents" section.

Service update 2018-06-29

  • Internal infrastructure changes.

Service update 2018-07-12

  • Fixed an issue with downloaded reports on quiz results where special characters in some languages failed to display in Microsoft Excel.
  • Fixed an issue with Panopto for Windows downloads where the installer incorrectly required an old version of .Net to be installed.
  • Fixed an issue with the Canvas integration where LTI links for copied courses did not also grant students access to the original course folder.
  • Fixed an issue with automatic folder captioning where sessions that were resumed by a recorder client did not get captions for the entire session.
  • Fixed a problem with the Desire2Learn integration where batch provisioning added the course ID instead of the course code as a prefix to the folder name, when "Prepend Course Code" is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with the embedded viewer, where signing in failed when 3rd party cookies are disabled. Now the sign-in page will be opened in a new pop-up window.
  • Fixed an issue with user group creation where creating multiple groups in batch did not trim whitespace from the group names.
  • Introduced a new site setting to disable recording from within the iOS app, "Disable mobile app recording".
  • Fixed an issue with search results where the thumbnail shown for the session did not honor the session's custom thumbnail setting.
  • Fixed an issue with search results that occur near the end of video where the incorrect thumbnail image was displayed.
  • Fixed an issue with the folder selector in the VCMS, when using the IE 11 browser, where the folder dropdown opened with a very narrow width.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where slides within a clip did not display.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking links to Panopto web pages within Microsoft Office documents incorrectly sent the user to the “unsupported browser” page.
  • Updated translations for Thai for the 5.7 release.
  • Updated translations for portions of the Web interface that have changed since the 5.7 release.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where adding Table of Contents entries near a clip sometimes placed the entries at the wrong time.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where uploading streams was not properly supported for audio-only sessions.
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive viewer where the captions tab did not highlight the correct caption for the current timeline position.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where adding Table of Contents entries within a clip did not correct place the entry after the clip.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where clips placed at the end of a session sometimes failed to display.
  • Fixed an issue with the editor where changes made to existing quizzes were not saved.
  • Fixed an issue with system emails where the email footer contained a Panopto-specific sign-off and links to social networks, even for customer-branded sites.
  • Fixed an issue with sharing sessions, in batch, from the VCMS session list, where if a very large number of sessions are selected, not all will be shared.
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive viewer where playback stopped unexpectedly for certain sessions when included in a playlist.

Service Update 2018-07-16

Panopto for Windows

  • Fixed an issue where communication with Powerpoint can hang, leading to a stall in the Panopto app.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect error message was sometimes shown to the user when a session failed to upload.
  • Fixed an issue where uploads could appear to hang for sessions that recorded Powerpoint and showed a large number of slides.
  • Added the capability for the Panopto for Windows client to automatically upload logs from the recording for diagnostic purposes
  • Fixed an issue where, when recording with “Capture System Audio” enabled, the volume meter would not display audio from the system
  • Improved custom quality settings to no longer restrict framerate based on resolution and to raise the maximum bitrate to 2mbps.
  • Fixed an issue where a session could fail to upload if Powerpoint had a temporary file open, for example a Powerpoint opened directly from Outlook.
  • Raised the limit of secondary sources that Panopto for Windows can capture from 2 to 3.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio histogram displayed in the web-based editor could be misaligned to the actual audio track

Panopto Remote Recorder

  • Fixed an issue with scheduling recordings through the web interface for time zones east of UTC, where the recording was scheduled for the previous day.
  • Added the capability for the Remote Recorder client to automatically upload logs from the recording for diagnostic purposes
  • Fixed an issue where a session could fail to upload if Powerpoint had a temporary file open, for example a Powerpoint opened directly from Outlook
  • Changed the Remote Recorder to consider the aspect ratio when selecting device resolutions
  • Fixed an issue where the audio histogram displayed in the web-based editor could be misaligned to the actual audio track

Service Update 2018-07-17 

  • Fixed an issue where playback in the editor failed for certain legacy sessions.

Remote Recorder 

  • Fixed an issue where the Remote Recorder audio preview could fail, resulting in a device error being shown.

Service Update, Panopto For Mac 2018-07-20

  • Fixed an issue with recordings that include only secondary streams where the recording would immediately stop

Service Update 2018-07-24

Internal Infrastructure Changes

This is an update to AP, EU, and NA clouds.

Product areas touched in this release:

  • Frontends - Initialization scripts were changed

Bugs resolved:

  • Fixed an issue where logging failed when disk spanned failed
  • Fixed an issue where disk spanning would fail and prevent initialization

Service Update 2018-07-25

  • Fixed an issue with the share page where autocomplete for users and groups performed slowly.
  • Fixed an issue with EU cloud infrastructure where ipv6 DNS lookups failed
  • Fixed an issue with the Desire2Learn integration where admin role mappings were not applied when admins signed in to Panopto directly
  • Fixed an issue with the Canvas integration where content-item embedding, when used by students, applied the wrong permissions
  • Fixed an issue with the Canvas integration where embedded videos were displayed with an incorrect aspect ratio
  • Fixed an issue with the Canvas integration when hierarchy mirroring is enabled where folders created by LTI click-through were not placed in the correct location
  • Fixed an issue with media uploads where "No primary media" was displayed instead of the processing status for uploaded streams
  • Fixed an issue with media uploads where processing was slower than expected
  • Fixed an issue with Powerpoint uploads in the editor where the slides would occasionally fail to process
  • Fixed an issue with the session info modal where, when the browser language was set to German an error would be displayed
  • Added support for 'head' and 'tail' cuts on clips within the editor
  • Fixed an issue with the embedded session list where site-wide alert messages were not displayed

Update 08-10-2018

With the next update being version 5.8, we will stop adding release notes to this thread. To continue to be kept up to date with Panopto changes, please bookmark the Panopto 5.8 Release Notes posts found here: https://support.panopto.com/s/question/0D53900005yx8EbCAI/panopto-58-release-notes

To view the 5.8 Release Notes see: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Panopto-5-8-Release-Notes

On-prem release 2018-09-27

  • Fixed an issue with the web server installer, when upgrading on-prem installs with multiple sites, where the wrong server FQDN value was automatically applied during the upgrade
  • Fixed an issue with the Active Directory integration where group membership is not automatically updated for a user's Active Directory groups. (Note: This issue did not impact customers using the SAML integration to connect to ADFS servers)
  • Fixed an issue where uploaded sessions show an incorrect processing message "No Primary Media" until the video is processed
  • Fixed an issue where external groups cannot be added from the Panopto web UI

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