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Panopto_upload User
in General Q&A
A panopto_upload user is appearing on my Mac. How do I get rid of this?
Hi Laura,
This would be an issue for our Support team. I will reach out to your local Panopto administrator and our Support team on your behalf - please keep an eye out for future correspondence regarding this matter.
Best wishes,
I am having this same problem - just happened recently. I think I installed Panopto long ago and it hasn't been installed at least since the last OS upgrade. What is going on here? This seems super suspicious. I installed this when I worked at the University of Rochester many years ago.
Hi @Daniel Weix,
I wanted to follow-up and see if you were able to connect with Panopto Support or your local Panopto administrator about this issue. If not, please feel free to message me with the name of your current organization, and I'll be happy to submit a Support ticket on your behalf.
Best wishes,
Hi All,
With permission from our Support team, I wanted to follow up with a solution here for anyone seeking it. As noted in step 2.1. in our article, How to Download and Install Panopto for Mac, "the installer needs to set up a new user account that is used by the background upload service. The installer does not take any additional action with this highest privilege even though the prompt says it may modify password, networking, and system settings."
To remove the panopto_user involves entering a few commands within Terminal on MacOS - if you are uncomfortable with this, please connect with your local Panopto administrator or the Panopto Support team for assistance.
The steps are:
sudo dscl . -append /Users/panopto_upload AuthenticationAuthority ";DisabledUser;"
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Hide500Users -bool YES
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/
HiddenUsersList -array-add panopto_upload
I hope these steps are helpful - if anyone has questions, as always, we're happy to help!
Best wishes,
The second to last command resulted in a syntax error. Is there a a more up to date terminal command that will work on MacOS 12.3.1 on an M1 Mac?