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Service update 2020-05-20

Service update 2020-05-20
- Right-to-Left (RTL) language support added in the interactive and embedded player. Now, users watching videos with RTL captions, table of contents, discussion or notes entries, will get the correct behavior in displaying them in the UI.
- Fixed an issue where Zoom recording imports were experiencing a higher failure rate for Optical Character Recognition.
- Fixed an issue where session thumbnails would not show up after a session was copied.
- Fixed an issue where secondary streams of newly inserted clips could fail to play properly.
- Fixed an issue where a user would intermittently not get authenticated when viewing embedded content in Canvas.
- Added several security improvements to make Panopto more secure against malicious attacks.
- Fixed an issue where media packaging could time out on sessions with several long streams.
- Added a message in Panopto Capture (beta) when no audio or video devices are detected.
- Improved reliability for uploading content from Panopto Capture (beta).
- Fixed an issue where the user is not informed in Panopto Capture (beta) if there is an issue in processing uploaded videos.
- Improved Panopto Capture (beta) reliability when sources are added or removed during a recording.