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how can i see my schoology videos
in Integrations
hello I was asked by my teacher to help with schoology and panopto together. he has it set up so that you can post videos through panopto while on schoology. when I posted the video i used the link that was supplied. but that only got me to post the video. When I tried looking at his comments through panopto i couldn't see them and i was asked to sign into panopto. I did not have to sign in to upload them since i was signed in through schoology. I just created a panopto account with the credentials i use for school but the two systems didn't merge. So how do i link the two accounts together?
Hi Jon,
I'm going to reach out to your organization's local Panopto administrator to see if we can help you get this problem fixed. As they may reach out to you directly, please keep an eye out for correspondence regarding this matter.
Best wishes,