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Can I make it so Panopto sends a message notification to a user if I move a video into their folder?
in General Q&A
I move a lot of videos to a lot of folders on a daily basis. I've been comfortable in knowing that communication is good enough that everyone in our organisation is familiar with this process, but I was wondering if there was a way that they could be notified when a video is added to their folder. As I mentioned I move videos on a daily basis and it may not always be at the same time of day, so for those users it may be a good feature that they know a video they're waiting on has been moved
Hi David,
For newly created videos, there is a setting that Panopto administrators can enable to make sure contributors and creators of a folder are notified of when their new video session is ready in their folder. You can access this by going to Systems, then Settings, and scrolling to the bottom of the Alerts and Emails category. Please note that this is a side-wide setting, so users across your organization would be notified of when sessions are ready in their folder.
Otherwise, if you are moving a video into a folder (which is what I think you may be inquiring about), it will not send a notification. This would be a great Feature Request. Feel free to add your request here: New Feature Request.
Best wishes,
Brilliant stuff Cait thanks, yes it's moving a series of rotating Zoom account recordings! I'll add the request to the new features, the info you gave me for the session notifications would make me think it could be a simple enough feature to implement.
Cheer again,