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Microphone - Panopto and Chromebook C340
I am trying to help my son setup Panopto on his Chromebook so that he can do screen recording with audio.
We setup an account on his Chrome browser with no issues.
After pressing the Create button, we tried to work through the audio settings. However, Panopto doesn't recognize his in-built microphone. I have checked the system settings and the microphone is enabled and working.
Can you advise on solutions to this issue?
Thanks, Peter
Hi Peter,
I know you said you checked the system settings on his Chromebook, but I would also recommend checking the audio/video permissions in the Chrome browser to make sure Panopto isn't blocked from accessing the microphone and/or camera. Google provides guidance on how to review and fix these permissions here: Use your camera & microphone.
I hope this is helpful, please let me know if you have any additional questions - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,