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Chromecast Support
Support for Chromecast casting.
I am here to support this feature request. We should have the ability to cast the videos, or at very least panopto should allow the ability to cast a tab.
I used to be able to cast the panopto tab and now I can't - why on earth would you block that feature?
I've just spent the best part of my morning trying to figure out why I can't cast my Panopto tab to my Chromecast - restarting my laptop, router, Chromecast., banging my head against a wall. At least I now know it's intentionally disabled.. Is this an attempt at DRM, if so it's been poorly managed. There are various ways ways to circumvent and record/"steal" lectures, recording the screen being right at the top of the list. In the meantime you've impeded most probably thousands of students learning in the middle of a global pandemic.
I just want to watch my lecture on a bigger screen, with better sounds, and take notes. You don't even have to support cast (although that would be nice), just don't impede it.
I'd rather be in a lecture hall with lifesize people, but in the meantime, please don't continue to force me to squint at my small laptop screen.