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Release 9 Assignment Submission for D2L
From the release notes: Added the ability for students to submit video assignments in D2L. Students can now upload a video to Panopto and submit it as a response to an assignment in D2L.
How do I enable this?
Best Answers
Caitlin McCabe Administrator
Hi Renee,
We are currently in the process of finalizing the documentation on how to enable this feature in D2L. Once it's ready, I'll make sure to post it on this thread.
Best wishes,
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Caitlin McCabe Administrator
Hi All,
Thanks so much for your patience on this one! The articles on how to enable and use this feature are live as of this afternoon 😀
@Renee Judd, to my knowledge, we will not be at the virtual D2L Fusion this week - but if you have any additional questions, please let us know - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
I'm keen to see this new functionality - since we already have Brightspace assignments in place that require students to upload and embed their own device videos as a submission. Maybe it can improve on our method.
@Caitlin McCabe - member account , I also am looking forward to setting this up. We're too late for summer term, but Fall is a possibility. BTW are you at the virtual D2L Fusion this week? We had a talk from Kaltura.