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Media Pipeline Failure: 0x80004002
I appear to be getting a error message that states the following, its preventing use of any camera within panopto currently.
The error states:
Starting the device ' integrated camera' failed.
Error: Media pipeline failure: 0x80004002
I only appear to be having this issue since upgrading to windows 10?
Hi John,
This would be an issue for our Support team. To expedite this matter and make this easier for you, I'll go ahead and submit a ticket on your behalf as well as contact your local Panopto administrator. Please keep an eye out for correspondence regarding this.
Best wishes,
😕 I have the same issue running Win 10 - is there a solution ....
@Berthold Hedwig This issue was solved for a user previously by updating to the newest version of the recorder and updating the computer's drivers.
You can download the newest version of the recorder by clicking the Create button in the video library, and then choosing "record a new session" - on that page, there is an option to download the recorder software.
Please try this, and if it does not resolve your issue, we can open a support ticket for you!