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Using a single Panopto account for multiple Canvas instances

I'm investigating Panopto for our organization based on a specific scenario and would like to know if its possible to connect a single Panopto account with multiple Instructure Canvas installations. Specifically, a third party would like to retain control of their video assets that are stored in Panopto and used in their own Canvas instance, but they are willing to license that content to us. Would it be possible for us to also link their Panopto account to our Canvas instance in order to embed videos into courses for use by our students? Can they do that without giving us access to the full Panopto account? Thanks in advance for any info or suggestions you can provide.

On a related note, I'd love to discuss this with a Panopto sales or support representative, but there doesn't seem to be a direct way for me to contact anyone in the US. I'd appreciate it if someone could reach out to me.



  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi Spencer,

    For your question regarding Canvas, we can definitely connect multiple Canvas sites to the same Panopto site. In addition, I have forwarded your message along to our Sales team so they can discuss Panopto Enterprise with you.

    If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out - we're always happy to help.


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