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Mac Viewing requirements - deprecating both OS 10.11 and 10.12?

in General Q&A
According to the email announcement on May 11th 2020:
"Additionally, we will also no longer support MacOS version 10.12 for Panopto viewers. Please see “Panopto Viewing Requirements” for more information."
The web page says that MacOS 10.11 and older are supported (for viewing).
So two questions:
- Are you deprecating *both* 10.11 and 10.12 at the same time?
- Isn't the browser version more important than the OS version since it's the browser that's used for viewing. [Granted the OS needs to support a fairly new browser, but OS10.12 isn't that old]
Best Answer
Caitlin McCabe Administrator
Hi Beth,
I spoke with a member of our Support team, and it to confirm: we are deprecating both MacOS versions 10.11 and 10.12 at the same time. In addition, though Panopto may work on the most recent browser, we will not be developing bug fixes targeted at that OS/browser combo.
I hope this helps - if you have any additional questions, please let us know as we're always happy to help.
Best wishes,