Non university guest users who want to create university content for a dept

We get this query every now and again from academics about non tcd persons:
General Query: Panopto Guest Users
We have from time to time had requests from academic depts who have non-TCD persons who are required or need to provide lecture content to the college dept. to post into Blackboard.
In TCD, we have integrated our Panopto cloud service into edugate so that all staff and students log in using their Active directory credentials for both blackboard or the tcd panopto portal thus non-tcd staff cannot log in and use Panopto.
I am aware that one could create local panopto guest account with usernames and passwords but this is neither scalable, supportable or it security best practice, so I dont want to use that option.
I can appreciate that to record and store session recordings one needs a unique account attached to the panopto storage folder to manage permissions and content.
A guest user group is no use as it would need to be managed and local accounts are still required I assume.
For example in Blackboard for a module panopto folder is it possible to use the share button to share out to a non tcd (non authenticated user) to create content into a module panopto folder. When I try that in vlackboard or via the open in panopto button with blackboard for a gmail test account and choose the can create field and I dont see an option to save changes but I can for tcd staff.
I had a quick look at your support site but couldn't find anything applicable under the search criteria of "guest".
Checked the panopto system settings but cant see anything about guest in there.
Obviously the non tcd staff member could use something else to create their mp4 content and supply it to the tcd staff member to upload media but that cumbersome with onedrive, gmail shares etc.
Obviously the non tcd staff member could use something else to create their mp4 content supply it to the tcd staff member to upload media but that cumbersome with onedrive, gmail shares etc.
We dont advocate an academic giving their global credentials to a guest to create content as if they were them, an it security no no!
From a licencing perspective, certainly the university's staff and students can use the service, guests maybe based on the academic purpose of the content being created but how is the question?
how does other universities cater for these guest lecturers where it is impractical for them to get tcd AD accounts?
Searched for the key word "guest" on forum but didnt find any threads.
Currently we notify academic staff that their guests cannot use panopto to create content as they wont have authosised accounts to log in.
Hi James,
At this time, there isn't an automated guest workflow available. Most Panopto customers will turn the video output of a guest presenter's laptop into a video feed and capture it using their own equipment and Panopto credentials. Alternatively, your guest could use Panopto Basic or Panopto Pro to record, and share the video with you/your institution, so you may download the video and upload it to Panopto.
I hope this is helpful - as always, please feel free to reach out if you have any more questions. We're happy to help!
Best wishes,
Thanks for your update.
Is the automated guest workflow feature request on the Panopto development roadmap?
James, IT Services
Hi James,
I checked with a colleague, and it is not currently on the Panopto development road map. Please consider submitting it as a New Feature Request, so others can express their interest in it, as well!
Best wishes,
Does help here?