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Media pipeline error
I have a user that has a surface pro 7, fresh OS install and latest drivers. Webcams front and back work in the basic camera app and in MS Teams but panopto errors with "Starting the device 'Main Screen' failed. Error: media pipeline failure: 0x80004005"
Ive checked all privacy settings for webcam/microphone and panopto recorder shows up ok as allowed. Ive tried toggling this anyway but the error persists. Ive tried to reinstall panopto again but i the error still appears. Im unsure however how "clean" the uninstall process is so perhaps leftoever broken configs could be to blame?
Any pointers would be appreciated as the user needs to get cracking with academic presentation prep.
Hi Kris,
For troubleshooting purposes, and assuming you're working with Windows 10 N operating system, has the user tried downloading the Windows Media Feature pack (
If they still have this issue, please let me know and I will submit a Support ticket on your behalf.
Best wishes,
Hi, We are using Windows 10 Education and media features normally available are installed. We have several other academics with the same OS image using panopto ok so its a weird one.
On another machine I can replicate the error by amending HKEY_USERS\user number here\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CapabilityAccessManager\ConsentStore\webcam but everything looks ok settings wise so this could be a red herring...
Hi Kris,
Thanks for letting me know - this does sound like an issue for our Support team. To expedite this matter, I'll submit a Support ticket on your behalf and make your local Panopto administrator aware of the issue. Please keep an eye out for correspondence regarding this.
As always, if you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask them - we're always happy to help.
Best wishes,
Thank you :)
I have a user getting this same error...
Edition Windows 10 Home
Version 20H2
Installed on 6/13/2020
OS build 19042.746
Serial number MP1F253P
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0
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