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Validation of password rules

The password fields on pages to change or update passwords don't seem to validate the new rules until the password is submitted requiring reentry of information. Are there plans to do dynamic validation as the user enters their password? Thanks!

Best Answer

  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Hi Richard,

    At this time, we have the following password settings, which can be set in place by a Panopto administrator:

    • Strong Passwords: Requires passwords to meet a stronger criteria (8+ characters, a number, an uppercase letter, and a symbol)
    • Password Expiration Days: Which will cause passwords to expire and requires them to be changed after the set amount of days have passed. Note: setting this to '0' will mean that passwords never expire.
    • Password History Count: Which will set how many passwords must be used before a password can be reused. For example, if this is set to '4,' the user could not repeat a password until they've used more than four other new passwords.

    Dynamic validation is not currently on our roadmap, but it's a great feature request - so I would suggest submitting a New Feature Request for it so other users can show their support.

    I hope this helps - please let us know if you have any more questions, we're always happy to help!

    Best wishes,


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