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Secondary Remote Recorder by API
in API
Hi i did not found it proper clear in the Docu but is it possible to start/stop/pause a remote recorder AND its secondary remote Recorder for a Webcast?
(in the docu i found recorder(s) but i was not sure...)
Many thanks!
Best Answer
Kevin Baum Panopto Employee
Hi Stefanie,
Both our public REST API and our public SOAP API have functions that allow you to create a new scheduled recording with multiple recorders. If you are wanting to do an ad-hoc recording, you can set the start time to the current time (or a few seconds after). This should start the recording almost immediately.
We have more information on both of those functions in our API documentation.
If there is something else you are looking for, please feel free to respond back to me and let me know.
nobody did this before?
Hi Stefanie,
Both the SOAP and REST API do not manage starting or stopping individual recorders. They allow you to change the start or end time of an individual scheduled recordings (which can be used to stop a recording or start one early), but this will affect all of the recorders that are being used for the selected recording.
Could you let me know a bit more about what you're trying to do, and I may be able to help you further?
Hi Kevin,
many thanks for your answer. You are totally right. I am using the Crestron Block atm to start a scheduled recording in another scenario...
Well my customer wants to start Ad Hock a Remote Recorder(s) with the Matrox Maevex. I can record Ad Hoc with one unit and their local API from Matrox. But i cannot start Ad Hoc that Recording with 2 Recorders.. so it seems that there is no way at the moment - right?
Many thanks and warm regards